New Edition to the Blog!!

NO!! We didn't fall off the face of the earth.....just off the social world for a while!! We have been slightly busy the past 11 months, busy making the most precious addition to the family! For those of you that do not know yet
Brooks Conner Rodgers
Born November 30, 2009
7 lbs. 5 oz.
19 1/2 inches long

Although I don't have much time I did want to throw a couple of quick pics out there for those of you who have not seem him yet....enjoy! The professional pictures were taken by the magnificant Studio Blue Photographer and his hott assistant!

32 Week 3D Sonogram

32 Week 3D Sonogram

At the hospital

At the hospital

2 week old photo shoot!

2 week old photo shoot!

My Boys

My Boys

The Fam

The Fam

Look at those blue eyes

Look at those blue eyes

6 weeks old now and sooo cute!!

6 weeks old now and sooo cute!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


By the way, it is so good to hear from you Elizabeth and Arlene.....I have LOVED having a blog even if it is simply for reading comments and not updating! haha ...Just FYI the last link on our page is called Studio Blue and that is my brother Brandon's new photography business and if you have even just a minute, take a look. It will impress you, I promise! He has just recently started this practice and already has some very promising prospects! He is WAY talented and has a huge mind for creativity, he will do anything from weddings to family portraits! He took the picture of Ross and I at the end of our Blog! Who knew the Chemist from LCU would turn into a photographer.....haha we are just kidding we love you Brandon and wish you all the best!!

Memorial Weekend!

Well as you know it was most recently the weekend of all weekends for family and grilling, so of course we did BOTH!!! Ross' dad, brother and his family came into town for a short visit! We did not get to see them long but it was a wonderful visit. We loved getting to know our niece and nephew Shayne and Anecia, and can't wait to spend some more time with them! Ross and I LOVE being an Aunt and Uncle, its great!!! Then on Monday we had my parents, grandmother, and brother and his family over, as well as some close friends, also including our other adorable nephew, Canon! Yeah for Family!! The Best part of the weekend was watching our family try to hola hoop on our Wii was hysterical! For those of you that haven't lept into the "Wii World".....YOU SHOULD!! Wii fit is the best form of exercise ever! (ok maybe the most fun form of exercise ever!!) Ross and I have worked out more than we have in a long time since we bought it, and those of you laughing at us from getting a workout off a video game....give it a try and if you don't wake up sore the next morning, then you can laugh! Love all!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blogging For Idiots!!

Sorry I know the pictures below are still GYNORMOUS but I promise we are working on it. I am so glad that we got to hear from those of you that had posted comments on our blog......YAY...we are so excited to hear from all of you. We should have some time this weekend to update things a little bit and that will help tremendously! Love all!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Story of one Brave Girl and a Short Lived Gimp!

It all started about a week and a half ago about 1:45 a.m., while Ross was at work, I sat up in my bed to realize that there was a lizard on my ceiling, formerly known as "Gimp"!! After staring at him long and hard I noticed something....his belly was starting to droop....."He was losing his sticky." I said to myself from that point on, Ross or not (since he was unable to answer his phone at the time) "I have to take matters into my own hands!" If I didn't I just knew he would lose his sticky over my bed and end up crawling on my face later! AAAAHHHHH...I wasn't about to let that happen!!

Side note - I know lizards are good for the environment and know they eat bugs, circle of life, bla bla bla!!! While I agree with that completely I would prefer they completed the circle of life outside our tiny one bedroom apartment!!

Finally I braved up enough to get a clear piece of Tupperware from the kitchen and a thin piece of wood to cover it with and attempted to catch "Gimp!!" I placed a chair in the corner and lunged for the ceiling with my Tupperware and trapped the slightly shocked animal. After freaking out because I could feel his little sticky feet running around inside the Tupperware, I realized I did not think this through very well! My chair did not get me high enough to hold the Tupperware to the ceiling for more than a couple of seconds, therefore after trying to readjust I dropped the Tupperware and fell to the floor with the unwanted inhabitant!! Quickly rising to my feet, I grabbed the dogs and ran out of the room, leaving the cat in their just in case she decided to get off her rump and be worth something for once! Ross came home about 20 min. later for his lunch break and searched the apartment, he convinced me that he ran outside scared for his life! I ended up sitting on the bed the rest of the night watching for him, only sleeping for a short 30 min cat-nap! I wasn't about to go to sleep with a lizard running frantic in my room, much less a half-scared to death angry one!

About 4 days later Ross called me at work and told me he saw the lizard I described outside our apartment door under the stairwell, so we didn't really think twice about it... until yesterday!! We decided to rearrange a little in our room and I noticed Sophie chewing on I pulled it out of her mouth I realized it was a hardened lizard tail! NASTY!!! Quickly my mind went back and remembered that Ross had described the lizard he saw even down to the tail so I could know it was the same one.......dun dun dun......(low scary music)

If you're not quick enough to put this together it means....the lizard Ross saw couldn't have been our "Gimp!" Well to my surprise, after Ross went to work again I noticed a slightly tatter lizard back in the same old corner of the ceiling, missing a tail!! Feeling slightly braver than the last time because I am now officially TICKED OFF because this lizard won't let me live in piece, I was quick to grab another Tupperware and begin "The Hunt!" This time I was smarter.....I grabbed some alcohol pads and quickly opened them and put them in the know thinking maybe I could use it as a make-shift chloroform to knock him out so I wouldn't be as freaked! I lunged at him again, this time standing on a table for stability and better height! After catching him (with a thicker piece of Tupperware) I slowly slid him down the wall and slid a thick board behind him a was able to carry him outside! For those of you that were wondering, alcohol does not work the same as only turned his insides blue and purple from the alcohol inhalation. After I got him out and flung him as far across the parking lot as I could...I made sure he would never come back again......(the gross details will be left out in case there are any children surfing the internet)!

Well its sounds pretty stupid but I truly conquered a fear of mine, and Ross is proud to be married to such a brave girl!

A moment of silence for our dear beloved and not-so-missed "Gimp"

Friday, May 2, 2008


We are finally a part of the online world!! Yeah! We have been dying to create a blog for about a year now we just never had the time to sit down and actually do it. You will notice that it is quite bare and will take us a while to get it fully up and functioning, for that we apologize! The good news is that from now on everyone will be able to keep up with what is going on in our lives, since we are BOTH terrible about using phones to keep in touch! So please have patience and give us time to finish creating our masterpiece!